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Wickham Common

Primary School

Cherishing Children and their Futures

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.


We are an inclusive Trust that welcomes children from all backgrounds and of all abilities. The level of ability or any special educational need that a child may have plays no part in the admissions policy of the Trust. The only restriction we place on entry is that of number. Year on year the school is oversubscribed.

Wickham Common Primary School is part of Compass Academy Trust. The Trust adheres to the admissions arrangements set out by Bromley Local Authority who manage the admissions process for all applications to Wickham Common Primary School in accordance with the DfE Schools Admission Code.


Applications cannot be made directly to the school.  Should you wish your child to be considered for any vacancy, it is essential that you have completed an in-year application form and submitted it to Bromley's Admissions Team who process all applications for families who are Bromley residents.  Information on the admissions procedure can be found by clicking here or by browsing the Bromley Local Authority website at If you live outside of Bromley you must apply through your own Local Authority.



Please click on the link below for our Admissions Policy. 


Compass Academy Trust is the admission authority for our school.  The administration and allocation of school places for the four primary schools in our Trust (Marian Vian, Oak Lodge, Unicorn and Wickham Common) is delegated to Bromley Council's Admissions Team.

Compass Academy Trust is responsible for arranging appeals against refusal of a place at any of the four schools.  

School/Contact Information

Wickham Common

Primary School

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