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Wickham Common

Primary School

Cherishing Children and their Futures

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.

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Go onto the tab COVID-19 and on there you will see several sections with pre-recorded


videos made by Wickham Common staff.


There are stories read by Mrs Critten, Ms

Norsworthy, Mrs Moore, Ms NiGhosain, Mr Slack,

Mr Walker, Mr Winter, Mrs Myles, Mrs Stevenson,

Ms Miran, Mrs Ringham – to name a few! These

stories are wonderful for children in many year

groups to sit and watch/listen, so please do show

your child how to access, settle down somewhere

cosy with a warm drink and enjoy!


There are also some modelled Maths lessons on there – again for all to tap into and

practice. Mr Slack and Mr Grice are modelling a variety of methods and these are well worth

looking at for children Year 2 upwards.

There are 62 videos of teachers modelling writing – they demonstrate how to

construct text types and also presentation ... Writing when

completed at home is notoriously poor quality compared to what

children can produce in school and this is why we rarely set

writing as home learning. However, in such times as these we

cannot allow children to totally disengage with their writing

skills. Please look at these videos and see which ones you and

your child could practise.

There are also PE lessons, French lessons, Phonics demos, interviews with authors,

podcasts, Music lessons with our colleagues at BYMT and of course our wonderful

Celebration films – around 15 in total I think. These have been made from April to December

and are suitable for everyone to sit and enjoy – they vary in length.

School/Contact Information

Wickham Common

Primary School

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